Preeminence of Christ Ministries



Scripture Meditations


Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  2 Timothy 2:15



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Online Christian Literature

Bible Reading Plans

Matthew Henry Commentary

Classic Bible Commentaries

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Nave's Topical Index

KJV Bible with Strong's Dictionary

Parallel Greek New Testament

Parallel Hebrew Old Testament

The Bible on Audio


Bible Study Notes


Matthew Chapter 1

Matthew Chapter 2

Matthew Chapter 3:1-4

Matthew Chapter 3:1-17

Matthew Chapter 4

Matthew Chapter 5:1-12 The Beatitudes

Matthew Chapter 5:13-16 Believers as Salt and Light

Matthew Chapter 5:17-22

Ephesians 1:1-6


Bible Study Articles


7 Principles of Prayer

10 Things God Wants Us to Know

14 Conditions of Answered Prayer

Abiding in Christ

About the Lord Jesus Christ

Are You Born Again?


Catholicism's Error Revealed

Christ - Our Greatest Example in Prayer

Church Attendance

Comfort in Suffering


F-A-C-T-S:  The 5 Elements of Prayer

F-A-C-T-S: The 5 Elements of Prayer (Expanded)


Five Conditions of Prevailing Prayer by George Muller

God is Righteous, Merciful, and a Judge

God's Faithfulness

God's Peace for Troubled Hearts

God's Revelation

God's Wonderful Attributes

Great Men to Emulate

How I Ascertain the Will of God? by George Muller

How to know the will of God?

How to Overcome Temptation

Is Catholicism Biblical? - A Defense of the Truth

Look to God in your times of trouble

Lust - The Downfall of Great Men

Marriage - A Picture of Christ & the Church

Now is the Time!


Pleasing God

Prayer Lessons from Blind Bartimaeus

Prophet, Priest, & King - The Three Offices of Christ

Psalm 37 - Hope for the Righteous

Psalm 119 - A Tribute to the Word of God

Romans 12 - A Guide to Living


"Slain in the Spirit"

Spiritual Blessings in Christ

The Biblical View of Money $$$

The Call to Evangelism

The Cure for Anxiety

The Double Amen

The Goodness of the Lord

The Hope of the Believer

The Importance of the Prayer Meetings

The Lord's Prayer

The Names of God in the Old Testament With Applications

The Perfect Will of God for You

The Power of Prayer - 4 Examples from the Bible to Encourage You to Pray


Trials - Extensive Study

Verses to encourage you to pray

What Christ is to us...

What God Wants Us to Know


* Unless otherwise noted, all articles are by Peter Sarkis Daily Bible Trivia